10 tips to getting more Airbnb bookings

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Published on May 30, 2019

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Airbnb has been around for quite some time, offering new rental opportunities to property owners who want to offer hotel-like accommodation to guests.

However, with more property owners joining the Airbnb boom, competition is getting tougher and hosts need to know how to do better in the crowds.

The question is, how?

Managing Airbnb can be a daunting task especially when guests' expectation is ever-increasing, but what you get in return is rewarding if you get it right.

It is important to keep in mind that your potential guests already have the kind of experience they want in mind; all you have to do is go beyond it.

MadeComfy asked the industry experts their opinion on how to get more Airbnb bookings.

Here are the 10 tips they shared with us.

1. Make sure your Airbnb profile is complete

complete Airbnb profile

Airbnb’s existing algorithm takes into account all the information you put on your profile.

The more information you provide to your potential guests, the more legitimate you will look and that means more customers entrusting you and your property.

Completing your profile information also improves your listings ranking on Airbnb, so make sure you fill out every field on your profile.

2. Create an awesome property listing

Another helpful point to help you increase your bookings is know your target market and what they are looking for in a property.

Property styling expert Belinda Woolrych stated that this is where your property listing plays a very crucial role: what you put on your property’s listing will help you raise the bar higher than other property owners who offer the same type of accommodation as you.

Here are a few tips:

  • Property Description: Your property description should be easy to understand, include crucial information, but keep it clear and objective.
property listing
  • Include Facilities: Describe your property’s style as well as the amenities and facilities that guests can use during their stay and finish up with the landmarks surrounding its location.
airbnb facilities
  • Quality Photos: Keep in mind that your guests already have an idea of the property they are looking for, so when uploading your profile’s gallery, ensure that you show your best features. Look for the best angles and make it look sharp with the help of a high-quality camera and natural lighting. Remember to opt for a landscape shot and that it fits into Airbnb standards.
quality photos

3. Pricing is Key


Pricing is one of the most important points in your journey to get more Airbnb bookings. You must make sure that your property was assigned to its adequate value and also keeping yourself competitive in the market.

The advice here is, newcomers should start by setting their price lower than its competitors until they start receiving good reviews and build up their liability. On the other hand, experienced Airbnb property owners should try to stay relevant and remain neck-to-neck with their competition.

But getting to the correct data and price isn’t as easy as it sounds, so that’s where we can assist. MadeComfy have in house experts analysing data to calculate potential rental returns each month. This dynamic pricing process will help homeowners maximise returns on their investment property.

4. Keep an up to date calendar

availability calendar

Another key point to have a successful listing is your calendar. It must be updated regularly, so that all your open dates appear on the Airbnb market. This will ensure you don’t miss any potential booking.

Successful hosts normally visit their listing calendar on a daily basis, which helps them improve their Airbnb rankings. Get into the habit of checking your reservations every morning and update your booking calendar accordingly.

Keep in mind that when it comes to owning a short-term property all your hard work pays off. Always consider that all your listing’s updates will take a considerable amount of your time and a lot of dedication. The more active and responsive you are with your listing, the higher you will be in Airbnb search rankings.

5. Be ready to take guest enquiries

guest enquiries

Most guests are booking their stay at the soonest possible time so make sure you’re ready to answer all their enquiries at any time.

Airbnb pays close attention to the host’s response rate so it’s best that you respond to their enquiries as soon as they arrive in your mailbox.

Note that guest enquiries might come at anytime. So as a host you would have to make yourself available 24/7 to respond to any enquiries that might come.

Not being able to reply when the guest needs you the most might create a negative impact on your listing.

With that in mind, it is always good to consider an Airbnb property management company that will provide you with that service. For example, MadeComfy can respond to guest enquiries 24/7.

6. Make a good first impression

the importance of first impressions

Guests want to get the best possible experience for their trip, and this includes their stay in your property. It is not all about giving your guests the softest cushion during their stay.

They expect to feel comfortable inside your home and as a host, you should guide them every step of the way. Be prepared to welcome your guests and make a lasting first impression.

Use your knowledge as an asset and be open to the conversation if you feel that your guest wants to share a chat with you. Travelling guests will appreciate a simple manual of basic city information in their package.

These details may include, but are not limited to, transportation or list of restaurants they can visit in the outskirts of town.

Also, according to Monique Sartor, interior design expert and CEO of Sartorial Interior, a few simple actions can be very effective, such as adding a hearty welcome basket to your living room, or providing big fluffy towels, or toiletry set.

Also, try not to clean your house just before the arrival of the guests, says Bower Bird Interiors, as no one wants to smell harsh chemicals as they walk from room to room!

Small actions like this have a huge impact on your guest's experience, providing you with positive reviews that are key to earning five-star rates and referrals. This will directly affect the number of bookings you get in the future.

7. Offer more than just a stay, offer an experience

offer more than just a stay

Another interesting tool that can help you get more bookings is the new 'Airbnb Experiences', where property owners like you can include special packages such as sightseeing tours for guests.

This helps you create an end-to-end guest experience that extends from inside your property to outside its doors.

Highlight special events or secret local hubs for guests to visit during their free time to elevate their Airbnb experience to a whole new level.

8. Improve your property style and design

property style

Your property style serves as your identity and sets you apart from other property owners.

That said, it is important to have your own unique style to create that WOW factor.

The styling of your property gives your home another dimension in terms of experience, so it’s best to complement your guests’ personality or preference with your unique style.

This specific tip to get more Airbnb bookings will make a big difference to boost the listing of your property and the guest experience in general.

According to Jennifer Williams, an awarded interior stylist and owner of the company Creative Style interior Design, to create a good atmosphere, add “a range of lighting from downlights on dimmer switches to floor and table lamps“ to create an “ambience in any space”.

Make your guest cosy by implementing “somewhere comfy to sit and relax” like “a sofa in a size to suit the proportions of the space.”

For the sofa you might want one produced with “Leather” as it “is most durable”.

If you cannot afford it and “if it's upholstered in a fabric, choose one in a mid-tone, block colour to camouflage dirty marks between steam cleans”.

For the small accessories Jennifer says, “a mirror to bounce light around and reflect a view if there is one, some 'inoffensive' artwork, a rug to soften hard floors and a vase or two of real or good quality artificial flowers to make the space feel more welcoming.”

Remember, “do not overdo the decorative accessories as they can be seen as clutter and your guests won't want to worry about paying for breakages either.”

9. Read and answer the reviews

guest reviews

What guests will say or comment about your property will serve as your learning curve.

This tells you what you’re doing right, what you should stop doing and what you should work on to improve your rankings.

Remember: getting bad reviews doesn’t make you a bad host, so make sure that you are ready to thank guests who recently booked your property regardless of their feedback.

This is crucial for the future of your Airbnb bookings.

Show how important guest feedback is to you by responding to their comments and learn from it.

Don’t worry, negative Airbnb reviews can work to your advantage so don’t miss out on anything your guests had to say.

10. Stay updated with what’s happening

stay updated

As a host, you need to keep up with the hosting industry and be one of the first to know if there are any important Airbnb announcements.

Don’t lag behind your peers!

Set the pace in the market and improve your offerings based on this generation’s hottest trends.

Being a great host takes a lot of effort and energy, but it’s not without its rewards.

Once you follow these simple 10 tips to get more Airbnb bookings, you will be able to reap the rewards of being a credible and trusted Airbnb host.

Need a little help in managing your property? Give us a call at 1800 526 133.


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